30 Days to a New You – Day 1

30 Days to a New You by Shelly Wilson
The challenge I am offering is based on excerpts from my book, 28 Days to a New YOU, and concentrates on assisting you in shifting your perception. As you shift your perception, you will change your experiences, including those in the past, the ones you are presently experiencing and those that have yet to happen. This transformation involves altering your mindset and attitude as well as your thoughts, words and actions. I will be with you every step of the way during this challenge – to support and encourage you through interaction on the articles I have written.
Preparing for the Daily Challenge Topics There are a couple of ideas that I would like to suggest to increase your chances of having the outcome you desire. The first and foremost is to be kind to yourself. Allow yourself the opportunity to take baby steps. I recommend identifying an accountability partner or two. This friend or family member should be someone who is willing to listen to you and also tell you the truth when you ask for advice (and even when you don’t directly ask). They should be someone that you trust and can count on to be there for you. They are your support and will help motivate you.
Meditate In addition, I believe that meditation is important. Take time each day to connect with YOU – your inner self – through meditation. Whether you enjoy sitting silently in reflection, listening to a guided meditation, spending time outdoors in nature or going for a walking awareness meditation; meditation will enhance your life tremendously. The intent of meditation is to just BE and listen. Allowing yourself to listen to the guidance you are receiving and to be present in the moment will assist you in your transformation.

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