30 Days to a New You – Day 15

30 Days to a New You Day 15
by Shelly Wilson
Challenge Yourself to Heighten Your Awareness Awareness involves both consciousness and cognizance. This includes being cognizant of our surroundings and the people coming into and leaving our life. The Universe will assist us in bringing people, teachers and experiences into our awareness so that we can learn, heal and grow from them.
Awareness Exercise to Assist YOU Increase your awareness level by focusing and tuning in with each of your five senses. Spend time each day being cognizant of your surroundings. Make notes in your journal of your experiences as you are guided to do so.
What do you hear? What do you see? What do you taste? What do you smell? What do you feel? As you become accustomed to paying attention, it will be easier to notice when you are not distracted. Silence your mind chatter and sit in quiet repose. Take note of the guidance you are receiving and the signs you are observing. Remember that these signs may be in the form of cloud formations, found in nature such as birds or butterflies, songs on the radio, overhead conversations, etc. Do not second-guess if you are actually receiving a sign. You may not understand the meaning of the sign at the moment you receive it. Simply acknowledge it, express your gratitude for it and you will understand the meaning of the sign when you are supposed to.
Questions to Consider 1. How would you assess your awareness level? 2. Are you adept at picking up on cues? 3. Do you tend to look for the underlying message, also known as “reading between the lines?” 4. Do you tend to interpret messages at face-value only?

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