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30 Days to a New You – Day 18

30 Days to a New You – Day 18

30 Days to a New You Day 18

by Shelly Wilson

The challenge I am offering is based on excerpts from my book, 28 Days to a New YOU, and concentrates on assisting you in shifting your perception. As you shift your perception, you will change your experiences, including those in the past, the ones you are presently experiencing and those that have yet to happen. This transformation involves altering your mindset and attitude as well as your thoughts, words and actions. I will be with you every step of the way during this challenge – to support and encourage you through interaction on the articles I have written.

Challenge Yourself to Ground, Center & Protect Your Energy As spiritual energetic beings having our own human life experience, it is important to ground, center and protect our personal energy. Grounding your energy keeps you present, in the moment and completes the energy circuit. Keeping firmly planted helps prevent feelings of fuzziness or spacey-ness that can often disburse your personal energy. Visualize energy passing from the root chakra to the center of the Earth, or roots sprouting from the bottom of the feet.

See Also

Protecting, also known as shielding, is necessary to keep yourself protected from another individual’s “stuff” and helps keep personal energy separated. Visualizing a white light or a bubble surrounding you will help protect and shield you. Use whatever visualization feels most comfortable and resonates best with your energy at the time. Only love can penetrate this bubble of light, everything else will be dispelled and fall way.

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