30 Days to a New You – Day 7

30 Days to a New You Day 7
by Shelly Wilson
The challenge I am offering is based on excerpts from my book, 28 Days to a New YOU, and concentrates on assisting you in shifting your perception. As you shift your perception, you will change your experiences, including those in the past, the ones you are presently experiencing and those that have yet to happen. This transformation involves altering your mindset and attitude as well as your thoughts, words and actions. I will be with you every step of the way during this challenge – to support and encourage you through interaction on the articles I have written.
Challenge Yourself to Be Present Being present involves living in the moment rather than focusing on the future or dwelling in the past. Focus on living, be-ing and breathing in the moment. Release and let go of anything and everything that no longer serves you. The past is in the past and cannot be changed. The future has yet to be created so all you have is this present moment. I encourage you to allow yourself the opportunity to be present – right here, right now in this moment. Silence the mind chatter and be at peace.
You are right where you are supposed to be. Yes, I realize that this may be somewhat difficult to understand based on your current life circumstances, but our Spirit knows. Do you have feelings of déjà vu? This is confirmation for you. You are a spiritual being having a human life experience. These experiences include both challenges and triumphs. Both are opportunities for learning and growth. Everything has to do with perception and then your reaction. You can perceive the challenges as the proverbial mountain or the mole-hill. It’s up to you. Take each day one day at a time, one moment at a time. Be present in this moment right here right now.

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