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30 Days to a New You – Day 8

30 Days to a New You – Day 8

Tags: friendshipgrowthrelationshipwell-being

#4: Living an Extraordinary Life means feeling gratitude for our lives and all we have.

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive; to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

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Do you feel grateful for your life?  Most of us would answer an immediate and perhaps even emphatic “yes” when asked this question, and yet, how often do you find yourself focusing on the one person in your life who causes you angst and not the myriad of others who love and support you.  Or you focus on the one thing your spouse does that frustrates you rather than the dozens of things he does that go unnoticed by you.

I had a fabulous reminder of this one a few weeks ago.  I like to have my spices organized by alphabetical order and my husband does not agree.  (You see where this is going, right?)  Anyway, one night my husband and I are standing in the kitchen.  He was working on cleaning out my travel toothbrush that had become dirty in the dishwasher with a cotton swab.  I opened the spice cupboard to yet again see my spices out of order.  I blurted, “What kind of man can’t alphabetize spices?”  Now you must understand, my husband has a very funny sense of humor, thank goodness.  Because his reaction was to look at me out of the corner of his eye and say, “The kind of man who would seek out a cotton swab to clean your travel toothbrush.  Remember for better or worse?  This is worse, get used to it!”  I have to admit I giggled and ever since, each time I look in the cupboard now to find my spices out of order, I smile and think “that’s my man, the one who would clean my toothbrush with a cotton swab.”

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