30 Days to a New You – Day 9

30 Days to a New You Day 9
by Shelly Wilson Challenge Yourself to Release and Forgive
Individuals tend to replay scenarios over and over again and ask, “What could I have done differently?” or “What if…?” They also play the “should” game saying, “I should have done this or I should have done that….then, this would not have happened.” How can you be so sure? Hindsight, which is the ability of understanding later what was actually the best thing to do, is formidable. We tend to retain from experiences what is necessary for future growth.
In addition, I encourage you to forgive yourself just as you would forgive another individual. Forgive yourself of any past choices that you have made and now regret. Every choice you made was absolutely the right choice at the time you made it with the information you had available to you at the time.
Each one of us is having a human experience because we choose to. Learning from our experiences and not repeating them is a benefit to having them to begin with. Do not allow those experiences to define you. Release yourself from the pain, heartache and frustration you have been holding on to. The past is in the past. It cannot be changed. Allow yourself to let go so that you can begin anew! New beginnings start with the release of old thoughts.
Releasing Audio Exercise Questions to Consider 1. When reflecting on my thinking, I do / do not tend to replay scenarios in my mind. 2. Prior to doing the releasing exercise, I felt ___________________________________. 3. After doing the releasing exercise, I feel ____________________________________.

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