A Daily Look Within – Day 1
Earth, in its magnificence, is an elemental mainstay. Our existence is tied to it inextricably, even if we travel in space to places like the moon or beyond. We are tied to Earth by form, matter, and time. Without it, well, we would have a lot less mass; no stable foundation of form that we have come to know. We have been told from ancient times that, despite its changes, the Earth has been a recognized, stability element. Prime and essential, as all elements are, its basic being belies its importance. People who have been forced to leave their homeland have been known to take small samples of the soil with them, so as not to be far from their mother country.
Perhaps we have, indeed, taken Earth for granted. Every last speck of dirt or sand is a part of us—of who we are. It is us, and we are it, at least by connection in our Creation/being/existence. Our sisterhood with Earth is intrinsic, and yet existential. We exist cooperatively; insomuch as there is mutual cooperation. For far too long, we have taken advantage of Earth. It’s time for an acknowledgement—big time—of just how Earth should be held close.
Earth is all around us wherever we go, just waiting to be discovered, felt, and appreciated. I am grateful to Earth for its very essence, and for all the support it has provided to me over the years. I celebrate Earth’s growing and creative powers. I appreciate its majesty—from the snow-covered, monster-sized monolithic mountains in ranges on every continent, right down to its all-inclusive specks of dirt, sand and dust. It is this very large-and-small example that we have before us that gives us some perspective on our entire self—of how it feels to be part of a whole picture of or a part of the whole family of Creation. There is a lot we can do to pay homage to our Earth, from conservation to recycling, to overall awareness of the things, beings, and occurrences that inhabit and bless our world.
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