A Daily Look Within – Day 12

A Daily Look Within Day 12
By Kathy Custren
“Groundlessness” – Encouraging others – Trust – Letting go
A phrase written by the eminent Pema Chodron, “fundamental groundlessness,” took to my fancy enough that I expanded on the concept.
Unless you are of the legal profession, the word “groundlessness” might imply a sense of floating…being above the ground…a sense of freedom…tethered or attached to nothing…reality as it comes…drifting…swaying…bending…being aloft or up in the air…lightness (but not necessarily empty). You can probably envision that feather from ‘Forrest Gump” that begins and ends the movie, floating up, down and all around as it attracts our attention. So there is something very intriguing to being “groundless.”
We hear words like “detachment” quite often, and are urged to lose our long-held, ego-based beliefs of what was or what has been. We can struggle with what this might look like in our life and may not be able to see how fully attached we might be. We do not know where to begin this self-examination.
Imagine, in your mind’s eye, being like a Gypsy or Nomad walking along your life path…a kind of itinerant Hobo…with no home base. Does it feel scary, being so very detached? Yet there are many who are envious of the lifestyle of such free-living people who can come and go, travel the world, and live off the land, with few major possessions holding them to any one place for very long. Maybe we have worked alongside a few of these people for a while, admiring the way they are able to think outside the box, or make a living being so very creative, pulling substance out of thin air, showing artistry with small crafts or dexterity to work with the meager tools given them at birth…their senses.

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