A Daily Look Within – Day 12

We spend what we think of as “our” money all the time, to buy “our” stuff, because “we” earned it. Even the concept of time…which many of us will either argue or agree does not exist in a linear fashion…is quickly used up by us with things like meetings and appointments. “Our” thoughts are consumed by often misguided beliefs…about our selves or other people. So much of our existence is wasted by blindly wanting to adhere to the past, or things we think we know are true, but which really have no direct bearing on our life. We are likely to ingest a lot of things in this way…by holding onto so much in our life and making it “ours.” We are like the ultimate consumers!
Contemplation Piece: Are you able to see, and understand, that the way to achieving a sense of feeling grounded (as in secure) is to be groundless? It may sound a little crazy, but fundamental groundlessness means releasing all of that substance and mental adherence and letting it go; to purposely, and purposefully, be free of those strictures that keep us from “going with the flow” of life. While we are on the subject of flow, consider water…we cannot tie a neat, little ribbon around a puddle or the ocean, can we? It takes a lot of energy to try to hold water in one place.
Feedback Request: Do we really need all that “stuff” tying us down, keeping us here, holding us back from becoming whatever it is we are meant to be? Maybe we can “lose the glue?” It is something to think about as we’re floating around, appreciating our fundamental groundlessness.

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