A Daily Look Within – Day 13

A Daily Look Within Day 13
By Kathy Custren
“Decisions, Decisions!” – Critical Thinking – Challenge Everything
In daily life, we are presented with a multitude of opportunities and possibilities; and exactly how many might surprise you. While we sleep, we may connect with our subconscious, or the collective unconscious, and dream some pretty amazing stuff with our inner vision, but there may not be much we can physically “do” in that dream state.
But while we are awake, say for 16 hours out of our 24-hour day, we are actually given the present of 57,600 possible “now” moments. Isn’t that awesome? We are very gifted, indeed, to have that many seconds to align our selves to consciousness.
So–the question then turns to: How best to make the most of those Now moments? I will give you an example. I have a desire to create my own purse; to crochet with my own two hands something useful for myself out of a color of thread I will enjoy. I have the ability to do it, and I know it will take some time to complete. I also have the need to accomplish a number of other things, right down to typing this message. I only have one set of hands and eyes to attend to any task, along with a finite amount of time to devote my whole self to getting “something” done. (If I am typing this, guess what is not getting done?)
Contemplation Piece: When you think more about it, this is where true decision making can be considered almost an art form. We make choices all the time; so how can we be sure about them? What types of things might persuade us to decide doing one thing over another? We are made aware of the perils associated while multi-tasking (not driving while talking on the cell phone, for example) …so how to best choose what to do when?

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