A Daily Look Within – Day 15

The top or tip of the Flame can either appear as one smooth light, or may break up into smaller points before disappearing. I have watched a Flame break into almost a three-pronged, forked shape, then meld back into a solid light once more. When it splits, all three points strain upward, with the center tine remaining the largest and surest of the three. The two edge tines are thinner and almost feathery in appearance. They will move, separate, and rejoin the middle/main tine. The Flame may remain solid for a while, but it is ever changing in its very existence.
We may contemplate the duality of Fire’s purpose (light and heat), which is opposite of cold and dark. Can we truly appreciate one extreme without the other? If all you knew was only light and heat, it would become commonplace, expected, and un-dramatic. There are many aspects to life’s existence which rely on light and heat—growth, illumination, cooking, and the seeing of color all around. To the extreme, a bonfire can draw a crowd; a campfire or fireplace hearth can be a place to gather and settle for a while. Left to its own devices, with unlimited fuel, a wildfire can be quite devastating to the very Earth itself, not to mention the flora and fauna that inhabit the area. The Sun, with its unceasing furnace, is intolerable without adequate filter or screening. We can be thankful for the filter of our atmosphere, with its layers of Air and clouds/Water, in keeping the Sun’s heat and ultraviolet rays deflected. Fire is to be respected for what it brings. It is to be used wisely and with caution. I am thankful and grateful for Fire.

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