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A Daily Look Within – Day 15

A Daily Look Within – Day 15

If we could envision Spirit, we can come to know it as a very “alive” element. Like Water, it also has characteristics of give and take, or of balance associated with it. Our feelings and emotions are connected with Spirit. This is how so many of our creations, like works of art and musical compositions, can affect us very deeply. Even the artists associated with creating art and music attribute their inspiration to Spirit.

Spirit can be very difficult to understand because it is not really something that has form or substance that we can measure and know. Trying to get our normal senses to understand it is very nearly impossible. Spirit is more like vibrations or sensations that we can sense in a certain, somewhat mental, psychic, or heartfelt way.

To experience Spirit directly, we must be aligned in a particular way: by being totally present in the current moment. The element of Spirit is one that encourages your participation. The more you connect and participate, the more you will come to know it. Many of us have too many things (either things of form or problems on our minds) that keep us from really living totally in the moment and being fully conscious.

See Also
Darity Wesley

How and when you participate with Spirit will have to be totally up to you. Spirit is the creation of everything, so we are already a part of it (and it of us). Spirit is as unique as we are. Its influence is everywhere and all around us, as long as we are ready, willing, and able to seek it out.

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