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A Daily Look Within – Day 19

A Daily Look Within – Day 19

Now, allow yourself to envision that the content of this cauldron, this stew bubbling inside, is the realm of possibilities. The cauldron itself is the imaginary container for ALL that IS. It is the place where creation happens…where the unseen manages to take shape and become formed. It is a fluid, liquid mass, with bubbles created by heat. The heat source could be anything…we can envision that to be spirit, or energy, or creation itself. In this realm of possibilities, we find anything we could possible think of and more. We also find things we might never consider: we see bits of creativity, of emotion, of various kinds of experience, all sort of rolling about inside the cauldron. Each possible aspect in this realm bubbles to the surface, is evident for a brief moment, the pops into the nothingness once more. The process is repeated unceasingly, continuously.

We are faced with a bit of a dilemma: How can we possibly stop any of these bubbles in this cauldron of possibility…hold it in its tracks, somewhere in its process of forming, rising and popping? Well, lucky for us, we happen to be highly skilled magicians (like the one mentioned earlier), with a ready supply of skewer-type swords (perhaps shaped like lightning bolts?) at our disposal for just such a purpose. We take out one of our trusty, magical swords and, just like described with the basket before, thrust it from one side of the cauldron clean through and out the other side. Our magic sword has managed to intersect quite a few bubbles in transit…freezing them in time…and they sit ready for our observation along the length of the sword just inside the pot. They are held there, suspended for a while, so we can participate in observing and experiencing them to suit our purpose.

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