A Daily Look Within – Day 2

A Daily Look Within Day 2
“Withstanding Pain” – Listening to our aches, pains, differences – causation – acceptance
There are many things in life that we can call downright painful–anything from a paper cut on our finger, to the death of a dear friend or family member. Some painful episodes may be mercifully quick, while others will feel agonizingly long. Each of us will have varying degrees of pain to manage along our path, and you may find that it helps to share or unload some of that pain from time to time.
If we pay attention and really get to know our self, we might recognize the best way(s) for us to handle the pain we get in life. Some of us become unusually quiet when we are hurt, as if the thought of even forming the word “ouch” is too much to handle. Others may yell or shout in anger (maybe hit a nearby wall or cupboard?) when they are hurt, in an effort to let off some of the steam or energy that gets built up inside of them. You may know somebody who goes through an unusual ritual whenever they are in pain, or who might become inconsolable with tears at the slightest twinge or thought of being hurt (flu shot, anyone?).
Contemplation Piece: Today we are going to summon up our strength and take a look at pain, in a way that might help our self or others to withstand it a little better. There is no one, perfect way to deal with pain. Whether it is a little “kiss to make the boo-boo all better” or a nice cup of tea, I’ll bet between us we have some favorite tricks or remedies to help deal with it.

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