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A Daily Look Within – Day 22

A Daily Look Within – Day 22

A Daily Look Within Day 22

By Kathy Custren

Elemental Contemplation=WATER


We are now on the last week of the consciousness challenge. Take a look back at the previous three weeks and take note of how much you have grown to know your self. Working on elemental balance alone, we have visited the realms of Earth, Air, Fire and Spirit.This week, the focus is on Water and all things emotional–feelings, our heart, the flow of energies, and the ways of reflection.

Water comprises the majority of our planet and our bodies. It exists in many forms: as freshwater, oceans, rivers, lakes, blood, and other fluids. Water is made of the elements hydrogen and oxygen, both of which are simple and abundant on our planet. It has a cool nature, can exhibit traits of ebb and flow, and is associated on the West compass point.

See Also

Water has reciprocity with the moon, as evidenced by the tides. There have been scientific and unscientific studies in efforts to determine whether humans are affected by moon or tidal influences in our lives, but despite many “feelings” of assurance, the scientific evidence is supposedly inconclusive. Water undergoes its own metamorphosis in that it falls to the ground as rain, and by the process of evaporation and steam, manages to keep the cycle of its existence constantly in motion.

Humans have learned to travel on, utilize, and explore the Water on our planet, but it still holds mystery. How many unknown species have yet to be discovered in the ocean’s depths? How is it that the moon and tides seem to affect so many people?

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