A Daily Look Within – Day 24

Underneath it all, they are just as important and vital to our life experience as every other living thing that surrounds us. They are not loved by us any less because of their difference–or at least they need not be. To think that we classify or treat others so differently than we would treat our selves is a real measurement of our own ability to be more aware and compassionately do more for others. We all have a purpose in being. Of course, this includes our four-legged friends as well!
Contemplation Piece: As we contemplate the many impulses that our heart regularly processes in any one person’s lifetime, we can surely be amazed and astounded. What magic lies in this one little organ, the approximate size of our fist! We might hold our breath from time to time, or breathe deeply with exercise, but we dare not stop our heart from doing its continuous job of keeping us going. Nevertheless, we can do a whole lot of damage to our heart over the years, oblivious and unaware of how important it really is.
Society may no longer be in as much awe these days when someone has open-heart surgery. With the advent of things like pacemakers, stents and artificial hearts, people are kept alive when their heart is morbidly dis-eased. Considering the many things that are retained in the heart-temple of our body, is there any wonder why we need to keep it in optimum working order?
If you know you have a family history of heart disease, make sure to check with you doctor for a test every now and then. Do what you can for your self and to support others in living a more heart-healthy lifestyle. If you have a history of keeping your feelings and emotions bottled up inside until you feel like you‘re going to explode, do your self a favor by learning the best way for you to let go of your stress, anxiety, and pent-up frustrations. It is not only good for your mental health but your heart as well.

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