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A Daily Look Within – Day 25

A Daily Look Within – Day 25

The more you “know” and are certain of your connection, the more adventurous and bold we become. We dare to dream, live, and exhibit a zest for life. We know to move beyond the things and thinking that do not serve us. We “become” consciousness; we embody the life and creative spark that is all around, and show others what it can be like.

Once you know the best way to live your life, it will tend to stop having so much control over you. You will feel empowered by having control and your reactions to life will stop being so problematic. You will recognize when it is best to just “let it go,” and be happy and satisfied by letting things be and go the way they should.

Again, that is not to say we should not try to have influence in our life. It is our job, our duty, our reason for being here to make a difference. Each of us has life lessons to learn along the way. If you ask yourself, “What am I supposed to learn from this?” and the answer you feel is, “Maybe you need to learn to just let it go already,” then listen. The cliche, “stop beating a dead horse,” is appropriate.

See Also
Darity Wesley

Recognizing when battles are really yours to fight is another consideration. Sure, you want to be supportive of others, but we cannot live for them or learn their life lessons for them. It is up to them to experience and do for themselves. We can and should speak up and advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves. However, we need to draw the line between helping and hindering. It may take us some experience ourselves before we recognize the difference.

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