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A Daily Look Within – Day 25

A Daily Look Within – Day 25

It all comes from your comfort level and setting boundaries that will not leave you feeling imposed upon and drained of your own energy. If you see this happening in yourself, then decide to make the necessary changes and set the rules and limits for yourself and others with whom you interact. All of this awareness is an exercise in consciousness.

Surrender should not be looked upon as a weakness. Another saying, “Live to fight another day,” is applicable here. Know this moment is but at step along life’s path to the next, and make it the best it can be for you. Let your power of surrender give you the strength to move on. Put your problems behind you, so you can face your present moment fresh and renewed.

Contemplation Piece: When we relinquish our position or our possession, we move that much closer toward central balance. We no longer hold an extreme side or grasp a physical attachment. We hear of people in great pain and suffering who surrender their troubles and feel remarkably better. Is it just their perception, or is there a definite change that takes place when we no longer harbor our ego’s desire to cling to an extreme? We can see this as the “give over” aspect of surrender, and it brings a kind of grace to those who learn how to flow along with the challenge.

See Also

There is another part of surrendering that we can choose as well, which pertains to the “give back” definition. We might describe this aspect of surrender as service or giving back to others, and through them to the Source and to the rest of creation. It is an awesome gift, this giving back or being an active part of the flow of life. We do not hold; we surrender. That can take the form of shared knowledge, helpful action or aid, or sharing of material goods. It can involve a group of people all working in an organized way with a shared vision, or it could mean one lone person acting in an altruistic manner to help others.

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