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A Daily Look Within – Day 26

A Daily Look Within – Day 26

At any moment, we are situated in flux between the points, working in a circuit to experience the road we are on between the two extremes. We can also have a mixture of opposites going on simultaneously. Hey, nobody said this road of life was going to be easy, right?

I am fortunate to live in a city where traffic on almost every street goes in both directions. Why do I feel so lucky? Well, some cities have streets that go only one-way for a reason: to get you where you are going faster. If we are all traveling in the same direction, there is less of a chance of accidents or head-on collisions. Less accidents means less loss of life and less time lost in gridlock waiting for traffic to move. Those are all very good reasons for having one-way streets.

The sad fact is that when we operate on a one-way street, we may gain a little safety or speed, but lose skills necessary to successfully operate our selves in a meaningful way. We are focused on “us” getting to “our” destination, often with little or less regard for the other travelers on the same road. Safer does not mean risk-free.

See Also

We may be traveling a little faster, but also lose sight of the attractions on our journey. If we are all heading in the same direction, we do not even have eye contact with others. How can we possibly judge what is fully going on? We may feel more like we are more on a ladder than a road; constantly climbing in one motion without acknowledging there is a “down side.” We move with a kind of operational blindness, that removes us from being effectively involved with the full measure of what our experience could be.

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