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A Daily Look Within – Day 26

A Daily Look Within – Day 26

Contemplation Piece: On a two-way street, we learn more directly what it takes to get to our destination in safety. We understand there may be roadblocks along the way, or people who travel at speeds different than our own. We learn how to maneuver around and through this traffic. At any point, there may be a quick decision to either take an unexpected turn or to stop for a minute or two. We need to be able to adjust our mobility to these changes along our road as they happen…to go with the full flow of things in an effective way and not get stuck…and not to not sit in the way of anybody else.

We learn how to share our road in a fair and equitable way…to humbly pull over and let the other person go by on their way, or to have the courage to proceed if someone pulls over to let us pass. We experience first-hand what it means to be reciprocal, even-sided, balanced, and in agreement. In order to avoid head-on collisions, we learn the value of give and take, accelerate and brake, right and left, front and rear. In this way, we increase our peripheral awareness and get better at navigating our vehicle-self in the most effective and efficient way.

Feedback Request: Reciprocity is the cycle of the two-way street and balance all along our road of life…from our physical existence to the spiritual and back. All things being equal and imperfect, how do you feel your road is going? Are you able to happily maneuver in a reciprocal manner, or do you struggle along a one-way street? Please share your comments or contemplations. Namaste ~ Blessings!

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