A Daily Look Within – Day 27

A Daily Look Within Day 27
By Kathy Custren
“Comedy“ – Laughter/Comedy; Overcoming emotion in spite of what is
The ability to laugh is something many of us take for granted. A number of different studies have been done to find out what triggers the response in humans. Perhaps we can agree that one person’s idea of funny may not necessarily be the same as the next person.
We have a variety of examples of what may control our funny bone: from the Keystone Kops in the silent movie era, to the Three Stooges; from Red Skelton to Danny Kaye, in older television shows and movies; consider Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, and George Carlin, who peppered their presentations with some darker words as they shed light on life’s realities; and we can include the on-going late-night battle of various personalities–all of whom put a spin on current events and make us think.
Contemplation Piece: Do you have a “favorite” comedian or comedy show (past or present)? Is your idea of a “real comedy” more like “Sanford and Son” or “Roseanne“? Comedy lies in the realm of spirit and emotion–it can strike a nerve. Laughter carries on the air, touching others and spreading.
Comedy can transcend cultural and racial barriers, while some of us do not connect with comedians from certain countries. A really good comedian has the ability to really make us look at the realities of life with “funny eyes” and make us laugh in spite of our self.
Feedback Request: Take a few moments to appreciate those people who have made us laugh over the years, all in the name of balance. Let the “fun” begin. Namaste ~ Blessings!

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