A Daily Look Within – Day 3
Each of us has unique capabilities when it comes to how well connected we are to our earthly nature. Some of us are fortunate to have been raised with direct access to the land itself, from humble beginnings, and have many resources in our personal bag of tricks to know how to navigate life’s trials best. Others of us are here to learn and need a lot of support and compassion in order to survive.
Most of us have the ability to plant seeds and grow new life. Learning how plants regenerate, following the cycle of the seasons, along with the relational cycles of air and water, can give us a basic understanding of what we might expect on our own road of life. Giving birth and raising children would mean being in a role where we foster positive growth and flourishing in their lives, often with the help of a mate, along with other family and community members.
Contemplation Piece: How well grounded are we in these areas? How might we manage if one or more supportive factors are missing from our reality? Can we handle the stresses associated with our own maturity level as we, in turn, raise the next generation?
Feedback Request: For us to enjoy the opportunity of higher-level growth, to make any sort of evolutionary leap or shift, we must understand and keep our roots healthy. Mother Nature, herself, offers a variety of examples for us to appreciate–all of which tie into this place on this planet. Take a few minutes to consider your own history, your grounded roots, and the kinds of blessings you bring forth into the world each day. Please take a few minutes to share your experience so that others may find truth as they walk along their own path. We are all in this together.
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