A Daily Look Within – Day 30

Using contrast to illustrate this concept, we can easily look at ourselves to name our material being and at the same time recognize that we embody quite a bit that does not exist–the spiritual side of us–that holds no physical form or other identifiable qualities. It is not quite as easy as saying, “Well, if I am female, my opposite is male.”
There can be many layers. In fact, it may be difficult to limit our descriptions when we attempt an investigation of the possibilities. One of the simplest images that conveys this idea is the yin/yang symbol, where we can see the duality and interplay simultaneously.
Contemplation Piece: Consider that we are not talking one straight line or one single cycle, and that there are fractals, branches and networks of connection. Our ability to follow the multiple pathways can become very confused. Instead of getting lost in the chaos, many people just give up completely. This can happen right when things are getting interesting!
Rather than get lost in the midst of all possibilities, it is empowering to realize that it is up to us to hold awareness of the oneness, that spirituality unifies us all. Rather than see us as being divided or alone, we may accept the encounters we have as opportunities to seek those qualities we have in common. It is this uppermost quality of spirituality that make us one with the rest of creation.
It takes a particular sort of cognizance and acceptance to welcome those unseen, contrasting and divisive aspects and bring them into some cohesion of unity in our own realm of experience. This balance is something we “can” do! It does not take some other entity to grant us this facilitation. We need to recognize, deep within, that we are here along with others to experience magnificent wonders.

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