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A Daily Look Within – Day 4

A Daily Look Within – Day 4

A Daily Look Within Day 4

Matter – “Conscious Voice” cosmic refinement (here), purpose, cosmic consciousness (more+) (will revisit this more next week “Cosmic Mind”)

We are constantly asked to remain conscious, and to pay very close attention to the present moment.  We understand that when we do this, we are able to see the vast possibility that exists in that zero point.  Yes, we also recognize that we struggle sometimes to stay in this mode, because there are so many distractions to be found in our earthly life of form.

Contemplation Piece: What happens when we do pay attention, exactly? Do you find there is a little voice inside of your head?  More importantly, if you tune in, find it and hear it, do you listen to it? Or have you been so programmed to think that listening to yourself is such a very crazy idea? Think about the Disney movie, “Pinocchio,” where Jiminy Cricket becomes the embodied voice of reason. Jiminy is charged with steering Pinocchio on the right path. We can expect no less from our own voice of consciousness…but do we listen?

See Also

Feedback Request: So, this question (easy for some, hard for others) is to describe if you have found this very kind of voice that might live in your own head.  If it helps you to call it another name, like instinct, go ahead; but it is more the reasoning/reasonable part of our brain that deciphers all the sensory stuff and gives voice to how we need to go.  If you have found this voice, do you pay attention to it?  Have you given it a name other than conscience, or are you okay just knowing it is there?  Even “maybes” or “I’m not sure” answers are fine…because we are all seeking that piece of us that connects and clicks for us.  Good luck describing your conscience voice of consciousness. Namaste ~ Blessings! Kathy Custren

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