A Daily Look Within – Day 5

A Daily Look Within Day 5
By Kathy Custren
Positive Existence, Part 1- How to best interact /sense what “Is” “Positivity 101: A Lesson in Choice”
If you are like me, or at least like me in most ways, I hope that you are someone who either enjoys or prefers to see–or be–the positive side of things. If I were a part of a battery, I would definitely be the “+” end and not the “-” one. (Hmmm…this has me thinking about the symbols now.) For the rest of this article, (+) stands for positive and (-) stands for negative. At the very least, it will save me some keystrokes, so please indulge me and let us have some fun exploring together. This is the first of a three-part series.
To be (+) is to know there is a (-); just as to know light is to realize there is darkness. It has taken me probably half an average lifetime of experience to finally get to the place where I can really know with more than casual assurance that having the freedom of choice is a very real human need (if not human right). For some odd reason, we do not seem to thrive very well when others make choices for us. Think about that the next time you want to answer for somebody else, or somebody chooses something for you. We each, all of us, have an inherently experiential need to choose–from the choice we have of taking our very first breath. Yes, from the doctor’s slap on our tiny backs, you could say we have some help and guidance; maybe a little motivation. Nevertheless, it does not take us long to realize how important choice is to us from the time we are born–and how we need to keep it going.

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