A Daily Look Within – Day 8

Our body uses the Air to feed it the oxygen it needs. Air can also be used to bring other chemicals into our lungs and body. Consider both the good, such as drug chemicals used in respiratory therapy for conditions like pneumonia or asthma, and the bad chemicals contained in things like poison gas or cigarette smoke. Consider, too, the physical processes associated with how the Air in our lungs interacts with the other functions of our body, such as the act of respiration, blood replenishment and circulation.
Air, in general, is innocuous and necessary. We cannot see Air unless other matter is added, such as water, smoke, dirt, or other particles. We can see items blowing or floating about on the lifts of Air or on the currents. Perhaps one of the most fun things to do with Air is simply to exist with it and to enjoy it in its many forms all around: watch some birds in flight as they catch Air currents that bring them higher and lower…see it pick up some loose dirt and fluff it up in puff only to scatter it around…feel it blow all around you as you sit or stand…lie on your back in the grass and sketch cloud pictures above you that shift and change in the wind. Remember that Air currents can be strong enough to keep an airplane in flight or cause a violent storm. You can feel the Air as it lifts the little hairs on our skin, as it tickles us with its gentleness. You can do these things just about any place and any time. Air can bring all sorts of things to us…scents and sounds from afar. Many things can be carried by the wind, such as seeds and spores. Air is movement. Air is swirling. Air can dance and play.

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