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A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 25

A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 25


A New Spiritual and Intuitive You! Day 25


Synchronicities are those unexplained coincidences where you feel as if spirit is making things happen for you. They are your guideposts, your messages and pointers to where you need to go or what you need to do next for your highest good.

It is through your intuition and your being open that you notice those guideposts.  Sometimes the synchronicities are easy to see because they are either very repetitive or because they are just so unusual you have to take notice.  At other times, it may be more easily overlooked.

See Also

Usually, a synchronicity begins as something that draws us or sometimes it peaks our interest for just a moment, and we say, “Hmm, that’s interesting.”  Often we just then put it away in the back of our minds, and forget about it.  Don’t forget about it.  You can put it in the back of your mind, but remember it’s there.  If it really is a synchronicity, it will come by again.

That’s actually how I began writing for OmTimes Magazine.  I had been looking for an online magazine to write for over a couple of years.  I began by searching online but many of the magazines were okay, but they didn’t pull me.  Some felt too constricted when it came to how to apply as an author, others gave me a closed feeling and to me I felt they wouldn’t be interested in my work.  OmTimes caught my attention a couple of times and I was immediately attracted to the cover, the website and how it looked and felt visually.  The magazine felt good to me.  Then someone emailed me an article from the magazine, and I knew I had to pay attention.  Even then, when I began to fill out the requirements to become an author for OmTimes, I stopped in the middle.  Over a couple of days I felt guided, through my intuition, urged me to finish it.  So I did.  Writing for OmTimes has become one of the best things I’ve done in my work.  Since then I have become a featured writer for OmTimes and thoroughly enjoy writing for them.

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