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A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 27

A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 27


A New Spiritual and Intuitive You! Day 27

By Lisa K.

Intuitive Messages Through Hearing

Receiving an intuitive message through your sense of hearing is called “Clairaudience.”  Auditory intuitive messages involve hearing guidance coming from the outside of you or from inside you mind.  This is the “still, small voice” within. It is also known as your “inner voice.”  This inner voice may or may not sound like your own voice.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether the auditory message is you just thinking to yourself.  Intuitive messages are short and to the point.  They are never egocentric, and will not start with the word “I”.  If what you think you are receiving is muddy or vague or full of gossip, it is not a real intuitive message.  Intuitive messages are never cruel or abusive and will never talk of hurting yourself or others.

See Also

To develop your ability to receive clairaudient messages you can do the following things.  Music is a great way to stimulate your sense of hearing, and train you to hear more. Listen to music that you like. Listen to classical music, particularly music that is somewhat complex, like Bach!  Listen at night to the subtle sounds of nature, the sounds of the insects, or the breeze, it’s easier to listen at night without loud noises.

Take the next day or so to try and notice what more you are hearing in music or just around you.  Share your experiences with me here in the comments section and I will reply.

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