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A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 4

A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 4


A New Spiritual and Intuitive You! Day 4

First Steps to Intuitive Inner Guidance

But how do we hear our inner guidance?  How do we know we are getting a message? There are so many ways that spirit, your Higher self, and your angels around you give you divine messages.  The messages aren’t always words in your head, sometimes the messages are feelings, or urges, or even a desire that comes from deep inside us.   The more you practice taking notice of these kinds of messages, when they come to you and how they come to you, the greater your knowledge will be in knowing it’s truly a message and not just your Ego or your mind playing tricks on you.

The only way to improve your skill in recognizing your inner guidance is to practice.  That’s the fun part, practicing.  Just as you would learn any knew skill, you start with simple steps first.   The great thing about getting messages from spirit is that we get them all the time, it’s just that our Ego minds have drowned them out and masked them from being recognized.  So we need to recognize them, so they become more noticeable when they come by.  As your skill improves, you’ll find at times your messages will have more and more information in them.  And more importantly, you’ll know when you are receiving a message and pay attention.

See Also

We’ll start with the simple steps of just recognizing what a message is, and how we all can easily work with them.  We won’t go into depth here on how to get detailed messages, since that would require a lengthy workshop to teach you.  But, that’s okay, because the best thing is to learn the different ways we get messages and how to practice receiving more of them.  You can still get quite a lot of guidance and direction from these simple message which will help you, on what choices to make, to make your life’s path easier.

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