A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 7

A New Spiritual and Intuitive You! Day 7
By Lisa K.
Energetic Health Meditation
Many of the practices you would consider to be spiritual are actually practices that naturally increase your intuitive abilities, such as meditation, mindful intention, which can be seen as prayer, and eating foods that are more natural and closer to the earth. Many of the eastern philosophies have said that people who are highly evolved spiritually naturally have intuitive powers such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and even bilocation, which is the ability to be in two places at once. In spirituality, the goal is not to become a supernatural intuitive, those abilities are just a by-product of our human ability to evolve into a more wholly spiritual being and ultimately be enlightened. Being enlightened or more spiritually evolved is really the goal.
Working with energy to enhance your intuitive skills involves similar steps to being more connected to spirit, or being more spiritual. It is important to work with our physical and energetic bodies to keep it clean and healthy energetically. This involves taking care of both your human energy system, which is your energetic body, and your physical body. The reason is because the best intuitive receiver is your entire human system. You are designed by nature to absorb, pick up and interpret intuitive messages. The good thing about ways to enhance your body to be more intuitive is that it is also good for your general health! There are three things you can do for your energetic health, the first is eat well, the second is to move your body and the third is to still your mind and focus your thoughts to be able to clear and move your energy.

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