A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 8

A New Spiritual and Intuitive You! Day 8
By Lisa K.
Signs and Symbols
Signs and symbols are one of the ways we can most easily receive our divine messages from our guides and angels. Signs and symbols are just ways that we can tell our subconscious mind to communicate with us. It is our subconscious mind that has direct access to our intuitive and divine messages within. In addition, the energy of the Universe is all knowing can manifest anything, so it can bring to us just the right sign or symbol we need to come across.
Our subconscious mind works in abstract images and symbols, and resides in the right hemisphere of our brains. Using our logical, Left Brain minds, we can associate symbols that have meaning for us so our subconscious be better understood. For example, you may associate the color red with anger, or perhaps danger. When you are intuitively picking up a message you may see the color red, either physically or in your mind’s eye. The red may be a message to you to watch out, there’s danger, or perhaps anger is involved.
Numbers are fun ways to see signs. There are metaphysical associations with certain numbers, for example the number 8 in many belief systems is the number of abundance and prosperity. I’ve asked my angels and guides to show me the number 4 when they are around me, and not just one 4 but at least three, since the chances of seeing three 4’s is lower than just one 4, I have greater confidence it is them.

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It ‘s so funny that you mention 444 .I see those numbers so often,at weird times or weird situation.I take it to be a sign for something. I’ve always thought it meant some message I wasn’t getting , but after reading your article, It’s clear to me now, it’s just a way to let me know they are around me.