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A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 8

A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 8


Of course, now I see three 4’s all the time.  When I check the time, it’s often 4:44, I see three 4’s on license plates, and wouldn’t you know it, the URL for this newsletter ends in the id number “4444”.

You can ask for your signs to be a number pattern to mean something special for you, or ask for anything else, a blue feather, a shiny penny, perhaps?  This may help you validate that your guides and angels are with you.  A sign can also be a word on a license plate, or a phrase on a billboard.  A sign may be something outside of you that you just feel intuitively is a sign.

Signs are repetitive, or they come by you many times, such as seeing the same number over and over.   They usually have personal meaning only to you.   They seem to coincide with a question or a problem you’re trying to solve.  The way to work with signs and symbols are to first believe that they will occur and then to be on the look out for them.  We are not trying to make them appear, but they appear spontaneously and our job is to notice them.

See Also

For the next day or so see what signs appear to you.  You can first intend that a particular thing will be your sign.  It may be a number or an object, like a white feather.  Or you can just be on the look out for one.  You can set the intention, and ask in your mind or out loud of your angels and guides, “Please send me a sign in the form of a white feather [or whatever other sign you’d like to see] that you are with me.”   You can also ask for just any sign, for example, “Please send me a sign that you are there helping me.”

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  • It ‘s so funny that you mention 444 .I see those numbers so often,at weird times or weird situation.I take it to be a sign for something. I’ve always thought it meant some message I wasn’t getting , but after reading your article, It’s clear to me now, it’s just a way to let me know they are around me.

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