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Alchemy of Yoga

Alchemy of Yoga

Yoga Improves Lives of Cancer Patients

By Amy Taylor

Alchemy Of YogaAging offers many gifts, I know.

Wisdom, perspective, and acceptance of self and circumstance. Appreciation of the preciousness of loved ones and what truly matters in life.

Still, getting older can crush the heart. I’ve been devastated to see serious illness infuse terror through the lives of people I love.

One close friend just lost her mother to ovarian cancer after a four-year rollercoaster ride. Another friend’s mother received the same devastating diagnosis a year ago. From holiday letters to Facebook posts, the refrain repeats. Cancer invades bodies and imprisons people behind bars of fear.

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In many cases, standard medical care falls short. Overall well-being can take a back seat to rigorous cancer treatment protocols. Quality of life suffers in extreme efforts to extend days.

I’ve often wondered what I would do if faced with a diagnosis of cancer. I feel confident I would pursue a holistic approach including yoga, meditation, nutrition and other healthy lifestyle choices.’s alternative cancer treatments collection includes valuable resources on this subject.

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