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America’s #1 Addiction

America’s #1 Addiction

The solution? Dr. Peeke says the key is “mind, mouth and muscle.”


Meditate. When you do regular meditation, you activate the pre-frontal cortex of your brain, where you’re carving new pathways so you can default to a better place when making decisions about food. Strengthening the pre-frontal cortex also helps you to connect actions with consequences.


Eat whole foods and you’re building a bigger brain. Quality food is the key. Quality is what your genes are asking for, and whole foods are healing foods. Detox off your “crack,” Dr. Peeke says. Completely eliminate the foods that you feel addicted to and replace them with healthy, whole foods.


Regular physical activity – even walking on a routine basis – can strengthen your pre-frontal cortex. The reward circuit in the brain will start to be satisfied with healthier fixes, rather than your addictions (what Dr. Peeke calls “false fixes”).

Dr. Peeke’s 3 stages of recovery from food addiction:

Stage 1: Detox from your “crack”

See Also

Stage 2: Replace the false fixes with healthy fixes

Stage 3: Engage in the above “mind, mouth, muscle” practices daily

Other advice? As with any addiction recovery program, don’t focus on having to give something up “forever” – just take things one day at a time.

Dr. Peeke has a lot more to say about the brain and food addiction, and a ton of great insights. If you want to know more, you can watch the video here on

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