Around the Wheel of Life – Day 0

The Wheel of Life: Steps to Bringing Balance to Your Life
By Vedam Clementi
Welcome to “The Wheel of Life: Steps to Bringing Balance to Your Life.” I want to welcome you to this challenge. I have been a life coach and meditation coach for over a decade now, and one of the main issues that I see with my clients is a lack of balance in their lives, and the chaos that comes from that imbalance. Throughout the next 15 days, you will be taking a look at your life now, and uncovering many of the reasons for that imbalance. Then the last 15 days of the challenge you will begin to plant the seeds for the life you wish to live. It is my desire to help you live not only a balanced life, but a life that is based upon a clear direction, purpose, intentionality, and authenticity.
Throughout the next 30 days, you will wake up each morning with a new challenge waiting for you. You will find that some days there will be video or audio instructions, and other days you will receive written directions for thought-provoking exercises that will support you through this process. Some days you may even find a combination of all of those things.
I look forward to working with you, and do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, thoughts, or insights that you have gained through this process.

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