Around the Wheel of Life – Day 1

Around the Wheel of Life – Day 1
By Vedam Clementi
Part 1
Part 2
Balance: an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady, or a condition in which different elements are equal, or in the correct proportions so that they work cohesively together.
You hear a lot about the importance of balance: eating a balanced diet, balance between work and play, maintaining balance between getting enough rest and getting everything done, and so on. It is not easy to get your life into balance, or to maintain that balance, but when you do, the payoff is enormous. Not to mention, living a balanced life is part of living in Awareness.
Maybe you are not sure how to get there. You know your life would be better if you addressed a few key areas of your life. You know your life would be better if you brought it into balance, but how do you go about doing that? Through this 30 day challenge, you will learn how!
Life itself is governed by balance; it flows easily and effortlessly from one eternal moment of Now to the next eternal moment of Now. Life is based upon polarities or opposites, and the symmetry that happens between those two opposites. A balanced life has symmetry, and flows easily and effortlessly because it is in alignment with the balance of the Universe.
The Law of Balance is one of the Natural Laws of the Universe. The Law of Balance states that the Universe operates through acts that maintain and sustain balance with itself, and for itself. The Universe maintains balance, and will counterbalance any impact so that life can be maintained and lovingly supported. This may not be obvious from your limited perspective; however, this law operates to govern the homeostasis of the Universe as a whole. Homeostasis is the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements or sources. In life, it may look like many individual pieces and parts, but ultimately those pieces and parts collectively create life as you know it. In other words, the Law of Balance keeps all of what looks like life’s different pieces and parts working together in harmony.

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