Around the Wheel of Life – Day 12
by OMTimes Team
- List 5 words that describe what you had been taught about sex.
- List 5 words that describe yourself as a sexual being.
- List 5 words that describe your sex life over the last 5 years.
- Sex is: Choose all that apply to you:
Playful, Serious, Meaningful, Scary, Restricting, Enjoyable, Spiritual, Spontaneous, Boring, Mundane, Predictable, Recreational, Fun.
- List 5 words that would describe the sex life you want to have.
Satisfaction Score __________
Finish this sentence: I learned __________ about myself regarding this area through this exercise.
I would love to hear your thoughts right about now. Care to share any of them with me?
Happy uncovering!
See Also
OMTimes Team
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