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Around the Wheel of Life – Day 18

Around the Wheel of Life – Day 18

Around the Wheel of Life Day 18

Intentions & Journaling

“The Wheel of Life: Steps To Bringing Balance To My Life”

Welcome back to Day 18. Today’s challenge is to begin to put intentions onto paper regarding the “Leisure” area of your life.

Your challenge for today is a journaling exercise based upon your intentions regarding the “Leisure” area of your life. I want you to begin by asking yourself “what would I like” regarding this area. Let yourself dream. What would be ideal regarding this area, etc? Once you have answered those questions, then continue by asking yourself, “What are my intentions regarding this area?” But don’t just stop there. I would recommend continuing with: “and I will accomplish this by doing/being ______________________________. If more than one answer arises, write them all down. In other words; what actions are you going to take to support your intentions?


Leisure: time allotted for relaxation, rejuvenation, ‘vegging out,’ resting, or down time.

See Also

Just like yesterday’s challenge, I want you to begin by asking yourself what you would like regarding the leisure area of your life. Ask yourself what are your intentions, and the actions that are going to support this, regarding the leisure area.


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