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Around the Wheel of Life – Day 3

Around the Wheel of Life – Day 3

The Wheel of Life  Day 3

Day 3 Mental

 “The Wheel of Life: Steps To Bringing Balance To My Life”

Examining Your Existing Belief Systems 

Your Emotional Starting Gates

Welcome back for Day 3 of your challenge.

Today begins the process of uncovering and looking at your existing belief systems, and your emotional starting gates pertaining to each individual area or category of your life. Today you will begin with the mental area.

Just as a reminder, the mental category covers: exercises or activities that stimulate the mind, and keep the mind sharp. This includes the act of learning something new, pushing yourself beyond your normal thinking, and exploring new horizons.

See Also

Listed below you will find thought provoking questions that will give you an opportunity to look at your existing belief systems and/or your emotional starting gates. Remember, belief systems are not intrinsically wrong or right, they just are. That being said, there are no right or wrong answers. Yes, spend time with this, but on the other hand, do not spend too much time analyzing yourself as you answer. Write down what comes to your mind first, and then continue. Often your first answer, your gut answer, is the correct answer.

Finally, after you have answered the questions for each area, give each area a “satisfaction score.” How satisfied have you been with yourself regarding this area overall, but especially in the last 6 – 12 months. Are you 1(very dissatisfied) – 10 (very satisfied)?


  1. Write 5 words that describe what you think of your mental capabilities.
  2. Do you enjoy learning new things, and explain why or why not?
  3. Do you consider yourself to be more or less intelligent that the average person, and why?
  4. Do you avoid certain areas because you think you are not smart enough, and if so, what are those areas?
  5. List 5 areas in your life where you perceive that you excel.

Satisfaction Score __________

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