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Around the Wheel of Life – Day 30

Around the Wheel of Life – Day 30

Around the Wheel of Life Day 30

Intentions & Creative Visualization Meditations

 “The Wheel of Life: Steps To Bringing Balance To My Life” 

Welcome back to Day 30; the final day of your challenge. Yesterday, you chose one of the areas that you have been journaling about, and did a Creative Visualization based upon your writing. Today’s challenge is to either pick another area that you have been journaling about, or you may expand upon your meditation from yesterday.

Click here to listen to your meditation track; however, if you have a favorite, you may use that as well.

I hope that you have gotten a tremendous amount of insights about yourself, your belief systems, your emotional starting gates, and your intentions regarding bringing balance into your life.

See Also

I want you to remember, your life did not become unbalanced in the course of one day or one event; therefore, balance is not going to happen in the course of one day. It is going to take some time. Please put the effort into getting your life into balance; the benefit will be unmeasurable, not to mention easier, more graceful, and flowing.

Do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to continue working with you on this subject or other ‘life coaching’ subjects. I am available to work with you via the phone, or internet (Skype or Facetime). So, until we speak again, much love, and happy balancing!


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