Around the Wheel of Life – Day 4

The Wheel of Life Day 4
“The Wheel of Life: Steps To Bringing Balance To My Life”
Examining Your Existing Belief Systems
Your Emotional Starting Gates
Welcome back for Day 4 of your challenge.
Your challenge today is to begin to uncover, and begin to look at your existing belief systems, and emotional starting gates for the leisure category.
Leisure: time allotted for relaxation, rejuvenation, ‘vegging out,’ resting, or down time.
Listed below you will find thought provoking questions that will give you an opportunity to look at your existing belief systems and/or your emotional starting gates. Remember, belief systems are not intrinsically wrong or right, they just are. That being said, there are no right or wrong answers. Yes, spend time with this, but on the other hand, do not spend too much time analyzing yourself as you answer. Write down what comes to your mind first, and then continue. Often your first answer, your gut answer, is the correct answer.
Finally, after you have answered the questions for each area, give each area a “satisfaction score.” How satisfied have you been with this area overall, but especially in the last 6 – 12 months. Are you 1(very dissatisfied) – 10 (very satisfied)?
- Finish this sentence: I was taught __________ regarding taking time to just chill out.
- Do you take time for yourself just to relax, and if the answer is no, what area or areas take up that time?
- List 5 words that you would use to describe how you feel about taking time to relax.
- Finish this sentence: When I have leisure time, I usually __________.
- Finish this sentence: If I were to rank the importance of leisure time on a scale of 1 (not important) – 10 (very important), I would give it a __________.
Satisfaction Score __________

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