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Around the Wheel of Life – Day 8

Around the Wheel of Life – Day 8

Around the Wheel of Life Day 8


 “The Wheel of Life: Steps To Bringing Balance To My Life”

Welcome back for Day 8.

Today’s challenge is going to be different. At this point, I am sure you have been thinking about what you have uncovered, and I am sure that you most likely have been spending some time thinking about what you would like pertaining to those areas.

Today, your challenge is to take each individual area: Mental, Leisure, Play, Business, and Family, and begin to put those ideas about those areas onto paper.

Spend as much time as you can with each area. There is no detail too small or too trivial. Let yourself dream. One of the questions you may ask yourself is: “If this were a perfect world, I would like _____________________ regarding the area of ____________________. Again, let yourself dream, fantasize, etc.

Contact me if you have any questions.

See Also

Happy Dreaming!



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