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Ask Whitedove – June 2013

Ask Whitedove – June 2013


A personal advice column by America’s #1 Psychic

By Michelle Whitedove 

Dear Whitedove

My Grandpa was a good man and a religious man all his life but now as he draws closer to death he’s fearful.  As a lifelong church member he knows that there is a Heaven.  What can I say to reassure him that his passing will be a blessing since he’s been in so much pain?

Grieving in Jersey

Dear Grieving,

Yes your Grandfather knows that Heaven awaits, but religions teach so much “Hell and Damnation” that he feels that this is also a possibility.  I’ve seen this many times; the elderly begin to reflect on life, their conduct and begin to wonder if their misdeeds will lead them to a fiery judgment. Then they begin to fear death.  I’d suggest that you call on your family members to help.  Ask each person to recount a loving memory of how he made a positive impact on their life.  Tell him the stories, or ask family members from a distance to write him a letter.  These emotional memories will help shift his consciousness. Please remind him that God is a loving Father that forgives our trespasses just as a loving Grandpa forgives his loved ones.   Then assist him with prayer, by praying for his peaceful transition to Heaven.

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Akashic Records OMTimes


Dear Whitedove,

I went to a Medium to ask a question about my father.  Instead my Grandmother came through with a message that she is watching over me, and gave me some very specific advice. The truth is that she didn’t like having Grandchildren and was a very mean woman. I was disgusted when she tried to give me direction from the other side.   I’m wondering why my father didn’t make an appearance since he’s the one I wanted the Medium to converse with?

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