Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 1
Now, take a moment to see the details of the rose. What color did you make it? Are there leaves? Notice the petals and any texture. Then, out loud, ask a question you desire an answer to. Let the rose absorb the energy of your question. Then just observe. If the answer is truth or yes the rose will flourish or get bigger and brighter. If the rose withers or turns a darker color the answer is a no or not truth. These can be used any time you need assistance in a decision, during a conversation, or any situation you need intuitive guidance. When you are done, be sure to release the rose and see it leave.
Fun and Games
Building any clairability starts with your intention. Follow this up with practice. One very simple way to become in tune with your heightened senses is through fun and games. Find a deck of cards that you feel a pull to. In a quiet place, draw three cards and try to guess the suit only. Do this several times. Notice how you do but resist attachment to the outcome or ‘trying to get it right’. Trying to get it right is rich with ego and hinders your growth. When you come to a place of just accepting what comes you know you are becoming in tune to your ability. You will find you are also accurately identifying suits in this mind set. Finally, pay close attention to how it felt to be accurate. Your awareness of this simple feeling assists the blossoming of your ability.
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