Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 1
Linking With Your Third Eye
1. Place any finger from your non dominant hand between your eyes and above the bridge of your nose then push up slightly toward the center of your forehead. Rotate your finger to the left a few times, then to the right a few times.
2. Take a deep breath.
3. Imagine an eye opening wide here. This is where your third eye is located. See the details of this eye. Is it round or almond shaped? Are the lashes long or short? Is there color?
4. Be mindful of this wide open eye as you go through your day.
Validation Exercise
Before you start your day and while in a meditative state ask the universe to bring you images of what is to come in your day ahead. Resist the desire to interpret images that present. Let them float in. You may receive information that seems ridiculous beyond belief and/or has no meaning to you whatsoever. This is fine. Write it all down when you are done. Come back to your journal later that day and note what you saw that did present in your day. For example, did you see an eagle and then in your day you either saw an eagle or read about one in the newspaper or a book? The key here is to be consistent with this exercise. Clairvoyance is like a muscle it gets stronger with your consistency and your trust in it.
The Sensory Field Trip
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