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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 12

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 12

Awaken Your Clairabilities Day 12 by Michelle Beltran

The Chakras

Today’s Challenge:

After reading through the below information, take some time to reflect. How in tune are you to your energy body self and your chakras? Challenge yourself to meditate daily and specifically give attention to your chakra centers and your aura. Then, please share your knowledge and experiences with all of us in the discussion forum.

Why Chakras?

This month you are learning a great deal of information about tuning into your psychic self. A necessary foundation for this growth and awareness is your understanding of energy and how it works. This includes your study and learning of chakras and auras.

See Also

Chakras 101

Chakras are your bodies’ energy centers. A powerful way to open up your psychic awareness is by activating and balancing the chakras. There are many chakras that extend out from the body, and seven basic ones that are based in the body, starting at the base of the spine and reaching up to the top of the head. Each chakra (Sanskrit for “spinning wheel”) is a vibrating, spinning energy center that oversees a particular part of your consciousness. Life force energy flows through the body through these energy centers. Your chakra health and well-being are directly connected to your well-being on all levels—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

When your chakras are in alignment, your life energy moves easily up your spine to your crown, through which you receive the energies of the higher realms and eventually, enlightenment. When any of your chakras are blocked or imbalanced, those higher energies are blocked from flowing down into all of your energy centers.

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