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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 13

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 13


Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

I am the sea, you are the raft. I am the sea, you are the raft. I am the sea, you are the raft.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

I expect and intend this relationship. I release resistance. I accept it and allow it to come now.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

There is no need to ‘try’. It is only a matter of time now. It is only a matter of when, not if.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

There is a divine plan… far greater than me… bringing this soul mate to me now. I trust in this with all that I AM.  


Copyright © 2013 Michelle Beltran. All Rights Reserved.


See Also

Thank you for stopping in to learn about today’s topic at the 30-Day Conscious Living Challenge! If you would like to learn more about the topics this week: Soul mates and how to manifest them; our relationship with our own Higher Self and how to find alignment; understanding our children (Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children), as well as deepening our relationship with our loved ones who have passed over and our Spirit Guides, please be sure to follow the releasing of my inaugural book, Take The Leap, set to release Fall/Winter 2013.

Warmly, Medium Michelle

  Michelle Beltran

Psychic Medium, Author, Intuitive Life Coach

Readings With Michelle, LLC

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