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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 16

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 16

Today, pick one of the exercises below and take whatever amount of time feels right to you in connecting with the earth elements. Do all of them if you feel so inspired! Ask yourself, “What does body balance mean to me?” Having done the exercise/s, in what ways do you find you are most connected with your body and/or the elements of the earth?

Connecting with the Earth:

  • Dance with your bare feet to your favorite song.
  • Meditate of have lunch sitting up against a tree.
  • Take that hike you’ve been putting off.
  • Go on a walk or a jog this evening.

Connecting to Water:

  • Go for a swim.
  • Put your feet in a creek or river.
  • Take a nurturing bath.
  • In your shower today, let the healing and rejuvenating energy of the water embrace you.

Connecting with Fire:

  • Have a BBQ with friends and family.
  • Light a candle during your meditation today.
  • Draw colorful flames, and as you draw be present with the life source that the element of fire gives.
  • Find what you feel connects you most directly with this powerful element!

Connecting with Wind:

See Also

  • Take a stroll on your bike through the park or down a nearby trail…feel the wind!
  • Plan that sailing trip.
  • Is there a motorcycle ride you’ve been putting off?
  • Do anything that connects you will the gale wind forces!

Copyright © 2013 Michelle Beltran. All Rights Reserved.

___________________ Thank you for stopping in to learn about today’s topic at the 30-Day Conscious Living Challenge! If you would like to learn more about the topics this week: Body Balance, Earth Elements, Remote Viewing, Kundalini, Grounding & Healing the Body and the Astral Body please be sure to follow the releasing of my inaugural book, Take The Leap, set to release Winter 2013.

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