Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 17
Awaken Your Clairabilities Day 17 by Michelle Beltran
Healing the Body with Remote Viewing
The past two weeks have been rich with psychic and intuitive knowing and learning. As we begin week three, we expand upon this, but we do so through our bodies. During this Body Balance week we shift to you and your physical body and the powerful relationship you have created.
As you know, spiritual growth embodies body, mind, and spiritual wholeness and balance. Using your body we will embrace and bring forward this wholeness. We will connect with the elements of the earth through various modalities and we will discuss the astral body and kundalini body energy. Let’s learn to love our bodies this week…let’s be in our bodies!
As a former successful professional cyclist, I would like to take a moment to share with you that while my ability to reach such a great level of physical well-being as an athlete did indeed include consistent training, smart rest and recovery, balanced nutrition and routine hydration, there was never, ever anything in my training regimen more profound and necessary than the tools you are learning this week. At the core of any endeavor in life is your spirit self. I hope this week will help you find the awareness that your body is your temple and you can do, or be or have anything surrounding it that you desire.
Remote Viewing is often used by light workers to collect information from a client’s past and then convey that information to the client as a way of assisting them in healing and working through issues in their lives. It’s essential to work on this psychic ability. Anyone can remote view and to any situation – past, present and future. They can use this skill to look at patterns and find the root cause of an issue.
Today’s Challenge
Spend 30 to 45 minutes in meditation. After 10 minutes of quieting your mind and releasing of left brain thoughts and mind chatter, take a moment to ask yourself “What do I need to heal in my life?”
In that moment you will be taken to a time in your past when you experienced a situation of importance that is calling your attention. It may present from a past life. It may be a time of struggle or hardship that needs healing from your childhood or more recent past.
Closely observe all that presents in as best detail as possible. In these kinds of deeper meditations, there will likely be a resurfacing of feelings or issues of significance that you had long since forgotten. You may find these to be quite powerful impressions and feelings. Be the observer of them, and resist getting immersed in them.
Remaining an observer is important because the thinking mind will try to create these emotions and feelings and that experience as your identity. They are not your identity. They do not define you. You are not your experiences, ever. Rather, you are witnessing. Disassociate with any overwhelming emotion.
Take a moment now to journal the information you have received. Remember to use all the clair abilities you have learned about to this point.
This is simple, yet markedly profound exercise. Please be sure to hydrate after you have done this. It is not uncommon to feel slightly tired. Please share your experience in the forum, should you care to.
Copyright © 2013 Michelle Beltran. All Rights
Thank you for stopping in for today’s challenge! If you would like to learn more about the topics this week: Body Balance, Earth Elements, Remote Viewing, Kundalini, Grounding & Healing the Body and the Astral Body please be sure to follow the releasing of my inaugural book, Take The Leap, set to release Winter 2013.
Warmly, Medium Michelle
Michelle Beltran
Psychic Medium, Author, Intuitive Life Coach
Readings With Michelle, LLC
Michelle is an innovative spiritual expert bringing forth powerful influential and positive changes on a global level. Her charisma and certainty in reading sessions coupled with her deep seated sincerity invites clients throughout many spectrums of life.
Michelle is down-to-earth and open minded in her style and this assists her in guiding others to their full life potential. With grace and care, she becomes a game changer for you, helping shape your life in the way that works best for you. Her gift of intuition has served everyday citizens to entrepreneurs, therapists, professional athletes, CEOs and celebrities to housewives and schoolteachers who want to live life fully and capture the life that honors their soul.
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