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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 2

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 2

Awaken Your Clairabilities By Michelle Beltran

Accessing Your Clairaudience Today’s Challenge:

After reading through the below information, try out each exercise, and begin to open the door to your own psychic, intuitive and mediumship abilities. Then, share your experiences with all of us in the discussion forum!

Be sure to download the free audio meditation at the end of this material!

First Things First…What are your clairs?

Connecting with your higher self, your sixth sense, and Spirit World requires the use of all of your senses: taste, touch, smell, hear, and sight. These senses will be the doorway through which your connection with your intuitive psychic self becomes stronger. Through your clairabilities, you take your physical senses to a higher spiritual level. I call this ‘heightened sensing’. We have 7 clairabilities:


Clairvoyance – Clear seeing

Claircognizance – Clear knowing

Clairaudience – Clear hearing

Clairsentience – Clear feeling

Clairkinesthesia – Clear touching

See Also

Clairgustance – Clear tasting

Clairolfactory – Clear smelling



Your clairaudience ability is rooted in your fifth chakra. This is the gateway to your clairaudience. The word clairaudience is German and means clear hearing.

Let’s experience of glimpse of this inherent gift now. In a quiet seated position, take a moment to swallow. Listen to the sound of this swallow intently and pay attention to all the sounds associated with the swallow.  You may notice that this is much louder than you have ever before realized. This awareness and sensitivity to this sound is your first step in tuning into this ability. As you do this you are recalling auditorally but in a new and heightened way. This simple hearing technique is how it will feel to hear sounds so remember this feeling.

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